A Roparun team consists of a maximum of eight runners: 4 cyclists, 2 van drivers, 2 navigators, base camp staff, a fysiotherapist and one or more base camp (usually a big bus) drivers.
An average team has 25 people. Here are ours.
The runners are with 8 in total. Split accros two subteams, each runner runs for ~2 km each time it is their turn. In total each one runs an average of about 65 kilometres, in other words more than one and a half marathons (!).
These runners need to be well trained, being able to set a pace of ~10km per hour at least. This is important to make sure we can all make it accross the finish line on time in Rotterdam.
The van drivers, navigators & cyclist guide and drive the runners.
There are 2 small vans. Each van has a driver, a navigator, 2 cyclists and 4 runners. Together they form a small team within the bigger team #202.
Each team takes 80 to 100 km per stint, allowing the other team to rest up for their next turn.
No team can run without a great basecamp. In the basecamp, people come to eat, sleep and be taken care of, so they may continue to run, bike and drive safely.
The basecamp can not exist without the big bus and its drivers. Plus the basecamp staff is there to set it up and break it down after the teams have come through... only to build up up again somewehere else a few hours later.
Fysiotherapists are yet another important element in a base camp. The relay race is not an easy task, one that takes a toll. The fysiotherapist(s) help to prevent and aleviate injuries.